
Dr. Samin K. Sharma

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简介:Dr. Samin K. Sharma is well known for performing maximum number of complex coronary interventions in the country with highest success rates while achieving an extremely low complication rate. According to New York State Department of Health reports (since 1994), he has the highest angioplasty success rate and lowest mortality <0.2% for an interventional cardiologist in NY State, receiving numerous prestigious **star designation (significantly lower than expected mortality). Under Dr. Sharma’s leadership, The Mount Sinai Hospital Cardiac Cath Lab has become one of the best and busiest centers in New York, providing state-of-the-art cardiac and interventional care for all types of simple and complex heart patients. In addition to coronary interventions, Dr. Sharma specializes in the non-surgical treatment of mitral and aortic stenosis and transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR).

中美巅峰对话丨“华西医院-西奈山心脏中心TEER MDT网络研讨会”即将重磅开启


Breakthroughs in Heart intervention: Highlights from TEER MDT Webinar

On the evening of April 2, 2024, the TEER MDT Webinar hosted by West China Hospital - Mount Sinai Heart Center was successfully held. Professor Chen Mao's team from West China Hospital, Sichuan University, and Professor Samin K. Sharma's team from Mount S

中美论道 开启高难度TEER进阶之旅丨华西医院-西奈山心脏中心TEER MDT网络研讨会顺利召开

2024年4月2日晚,华西医院-西奈山心脏中心TEER MDT网络研讨会顺利召开。四川大学华西医院陈茂教授团队和西奈山心脏中心Samin k.Sharma教授团队围绕两例高难度TEER手术展开分享。

中美巅峰对话 论道TEER精进之术丨“华西医院-西奈山心脏中心TEER MDT网络研讨会”即将开启

4月2日20:00,“华西医院-西奈山心脏中心TEER MDT网络研讨会”精彩开启


中国四川大学华西医院与美国西奈山医院强强碰撞,联手为大家带来两例精彩的TEER 手术直播案例,对不同案例的临床诊疗策略做差异化探讨,碰撞激情的学术火花,希望国内外心血管医生可以交流互鉴,各取所长。


中西碰撞展技艺,手术交流共成长。2023年10月10日,由雅培发起的最新一期西奈山心血管系列教学(Mount Sinai Structural Heart Live Cases)“华西医院&西奈山医院MitraClip实况病例直播交流研讨会”通过线上形式举行。 四川大学华西医院陈茂教授和冯沅教授团队,西奈山心脏中心Samin K. Sharma教授团队分别带来了“心力衰竭和动态继发性MR患者中的M-TEER”和“M-TEER 用于继发于脱垂合并连枷 P2 区的原发性 MR 高风险患者”两个极具挑战,高难

CCC 直播预告丨美国西奈山Samin K. Sharma教授:一例26mm SAPIEN-3 Ultra瓣膜经颈动脉TAVR术

2023年4月11日,CCC Live Cases将在线直播一例美国西奈山心脏中心(Mount Sinai Heart)Samin K. Sharma教授经颈动脉TAVR手术。

西奈山心脏中心灵巧演绎LAD/D1分叉病变Rota Tripsy和Mini-Crush支架术

近期,CCC LIVE CASES直播了一例使用Rota Tripsy(钙化旋磨冲击波球囊碎石)和Mini-Crush支架术对LAD/D1分叉处进行成像引导分期PCI的手术病例。

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