- 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 心血管内科 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院心内科副主任医师,博士研究生; 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院心内四副主任; 美国ACC青年医生和研究者(FSCAI) 美国哥伦比亚大学心脏中心CRF访问学者 德国柏林UKB医院访问学者 EHJ中文版青年编委 海峡两岸医药卫生交流协会心血管分会委员 黑龙江省医师协会心脏重症分会委员 黑龙江省预防医学会动脉粥样硬化疾病预防与控制专业委员会常务委员 中国医疗保健国际交流促进会黑龙江省心脏重症专业委员会委员 发表SCI文章7篇,主持省厅级课题3项。 查看详情
副主任医师玛丽皇后医院 Frankie Tam醫生于2005年毕业于香港大学。 他在香港玛丽医院接受了心脏病学培训,并前往美国克利夫兰哈灵顿心脏和血管研究所接受高级介入心脏病学的海外培训。他目前是玛丽皇后医院的顾问醫生和香港大学名誉临床助理教授。 他特别关注急性冠状动脉综合征、复杂冠状动脉介入和结构性心脏病干预的管理。 专长:OCT,复杂病变PCI,CTO 查看详情谭楚璋
新加坡伊丽莎白山医疗中心 心脏病专家顾问 SCHOOLS ATTENDED A ‘O’ Level School Certificate School Attended : Singapore Chinese Girls’ School Year Graduated : 1987 B ‘A’ Level School Certificate School Attended : Hwa Chong Junior College Year Graduated : 1989 3. TERTIARY AND / OR PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS A Basic Degree and year obtained MBBS, National University of Singapore, 1995 B Post Basic Degree and year obtained MRCP (UK), 2000 C Other Degree and year obtained Board Eligible in Interventional Cardiology ( ACGME, Duke University Medical Centre , USA ) Membership in Professional & Academic Societies Organisation Rank / Title / Position Year Singapore Medical Association Member May 1995 Singapore Cardiac Society Member May 2001 Royal College of Physicians ( UK ) Member May 2001 Royal College of Physicians ( Edinburgh ) Fellow Feb 2010 American College of Cardiology Fellow Feb 2009 Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions Fellow June 2010 Asia Pacific Society of Interventional Cardiology Fellow May 2011 ASEAN College of Cardiology Fellow May 2012 Singapore Chapter, American College of Cardiology Indonesian Heart Association Council Member Fellow May 2012 May 2015 Chapter of Cardiologists, Academy of Medicine Singapore Medical Council, Faculty of Medical Experts Council Member Medical Expert May 2019 – present May 2019- present 3 4. SUMMARY OF TRAINING POSTS Job Title Dept Hospital / Country Dates House Officer Orthopedics SGH May 95-Aug 95 General Med TTSH Sep 95-Dec 95 General Surgery TTSH Jan 96-Apr 96 Medical Officer Anaesthesia SGH May96-Oct 96 General Medicine SGH Nov 96-Apr97 Medical Oncology NUH May 97-Oct 97 Cardiology NUH Nov 97-Apr 98 Neurology TTSH May 98-Oct 98 Rheumatology TTSH Nov 98-Apr 99 Gasteroenterology SGH May99-Oct 99 Emergency TTSH Nov 99-Apr 00 Medical Officer Dermatology NSC May 00-Oct 00 (Specialist) TBCU TBCU Nov 00-Jan 01 Advanced Specialist Training Cardiology, AST(Singapore) ( Feb 2001- May 2004 ) Coronary Care Unit, Tan Tock Seng Hospital Feb 01-May 01 Cardiac Catheterisation, Tan Tock Seng Hospital Jun 01-Sept 01 Nuclear Cardiology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital Oct 01- Jan 02 Echocardiolology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital Feb 02-May 02 Ambulatory Cardiology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital Jun 02-Sept 02 Coronary Care Unit, Tan Tock Seng Hospital Oct 02- Jan 03 Cardiac Catheterisation, Tan Tock Seng Hospital Feb 03-May 03 Cardiac Electrophysiology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital Jun 03-Sept 03 Echocardiolology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital Oct 03- Jan 04 Cardiac Catheterisation, Tan Tock Seng Hospital Feb 04-May 04 Clinical Cardiology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital Apr 04-June 04 4 Subspecialty training , Interventional Cardiology ( Jul 04-Jul 06) Interventional Cardiology, National University Hospital Jul 04-May 05 Interventional Cardiology, Duke University Medical Centre Jun 05-Jul 06 5. PAST APPOINTMENTS Grade Hospital / Country Dates of Posting Registrar Tan Tock Seng Hospital Feb 01- May 04 Senior Registrar / Tan Tock Seng Hospital Apr 04-June 05 Associate Consultant Fellow Duke University Medical June 05-July 06 Consultant Tan Tock Seng Hospital July 05- Jan 09 Other Appointments Director of Cardiac Cath Lab Tan Tock Seng Hospital Jul 08-Jan 09 6. CURRENT APPOINTMENT Consultant Mount Elizabeth Hospital Feb 09- present Visiting Consultant National University Hospital Oct 06-present Visiting Consultant Tan Tock Seng Hospital Feb 09-present Faculty, Clinical Tutor Duke-NUS School of Medicine Feb10-Jan 2020 Commissioning Editor Heart Asia, BMJ Jan 09-Feb 10 ACCREDITATION Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore Mount Alvernia Hospital, Singapore Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore National University Hospital, Singapore Farrer Park Hospital, Singapore 5 7. ECA RECORDS A Committee Work TTSH Secretary of Junior Doctors Committee, 2001-2003 Workgroup member for AMI Clinical Pathway 2002 ICU workgroup member for SARS guidelines 2003 MBBS coordinator, 2003-4 Workgroup chair, Cardiology information System, PACs 2006-2008 Director of Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratories, 2008-09 Mount Elizabeth Chairman, Credentialling Committee 2015-2017 Member, Medical Advisory Board 2015-2017 Member, Critical Care Committee 2015-2017 Professional Organising Committee, 1st SICT ( Singapore Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics) Organising Chairman, 1st SGCIC (Singapore Cardiac Intervention Congress )-OCT Course Organising Committee, APACi summit MOH Faculty of Medical Expert, SMC 2020- present Others Hon Gen Secretary, NUS, 90-91 Class Secretary, NUS Medicine, 91-93 Medical Advisor, Centre For Cognitive Technologies. Ambassador, Courage Fund SARS Committee B Professional Membership Local Singapore Medical Association Singapore Cardiac Society Fellow of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore International Duke Cardiology Fellow’s Society Fellow of American College of Cardiology Fellow of the Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions Fellow, AsiaPacific Society of Interventional Cardiology Council Member, Singapore Chapter , ACC Others Reviewer, Singapore Medical Journal Commissioning Editor, Heart Asia @ BMJ 6 C Other Activities Civic Organisations Center of Cognitive Technology ( SPRING Singapore) Sports and Recreation NA 8. COURSES/ CONFERENCES ATTENDED (BOTH AS PRESENTER AND PARTICIPANT) Presenter 1. Retrospective review of Neonatal Hyperpyrexia in 150 neonates born between June 1993-Dec 1994. SGH Annual Scientific meeting 1995 2. Study of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy by electrocardiographic Criteria ASEAN Congress of Cardiology 2002, Kuala Lumpur 3. Use of invasive monitoring in patients with Congestive Cardiac Failure 2002 ASEAN Congress of Cardiology, KL 4. Report on Acute Coronary Syndromes in the patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in the Intensive Care Unit . Annual Scientific Congress, NHG. 2003 5. Impact Of Eptifibatide Therapy On Outcome In Patients Undergoing Multiple Stent Insertion: An ESPRIT Subanalysis AHA 2005 6. Clinical Predictors of Stent Thrombosis in the real world Drug Eluting Stent Era. Poster TCT 2007 7. Safety and Efficacy of Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Myocardial Infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock in an institution without on-site cardiothoracic support. Poster TCT 2007 8. Biolimus-eluting Bioabsorbable Polymer-coated stents compared to Uncoated stents in Primary Percutaneous Intervention TCT 2007 9. Thrombus Laden SVG interventions Singlive 2008 10.CIT, China Interventional Therapeutics, Live transmission Speaker/Moderator/Faculty 1989 Pre-diploma in Computering at Informatics Computer School 1990 Conversational Malay at Institute of Education 1996 First Singapore Malaysian Gasteroenterological Endoscopic Workshop 1996 Postgraduate course in Palliative Medicine 1998 Second Singapore Malaysian Gasteroenterological Endoscopic Workshop 1999 MMED course in Internal Medicine, School of Postgraduate Meicine. 2000 Advanced Trauma Life Support Course 2000 Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course 2000 6 th Congress of Asian Society of Transplantation 2001 Asia Pacific Heart Failure Conference, Bali Indonesia. 2001 Hammersmith Echocardiology, London, UK 2001 European Society of Cardiology, Stockholm, Sweden 7 2002 NHG Course in Research Methods, Basic Module. 2002 Evidenced Based Medicine , Singapore 2002 19th World Congress of Cardiology in Sydney 2002 ASEAN Congress of Cardiology, KL 2002 AMI workshop, Singapore 2002 Echo Singapore, NUH 2002 Seminar in Atherothrombosis, Perth 2003 European Society of Cardiology, Vienna 2003 ACC Board recertification in Chicago 2004 10th Asia-Pacific Congress of Doppler and Echocardiography 2004 13th singapore LIVE Course in Interventional Cardiology 2004 Conversational Malay Language, Intermediate Level 2004 ACC, New Orleans 2004 1 st Singapore Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2005 2 nd Asia Pacific Heart Failure Symposium 2005 14th Singapore LIVE course in Interventional Cardiology 2005 TCT Washington 2005 AHA Dallas 2006 Fellow’s Course in Interventional Cardiology 2006 2 nd AICT , New Delhi 2007 14th Kamakura Live Demonstration Course, TRI 2008 Singlive 2008, presenter and moderator 2008 Kobe, Complex Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2008 CIT, China Interventional Therapeutics, Live transmission 2008 EuroPCR , Barcelona 2008 Cardiac MR, Singapore 2008 15th Kamakura Live Demonstration Course, TRI 2009 Singlive 2009 Singapore Cardiac Society, ASM, presenter and moderator 2009 CIT, China Interventional Therapeutics, Beijing, presenter and moderator 2009 Coronary CT teaching course, Singapore, presenter and moderator 2009 TCT , San Francisco 2009 16th Kamakura Live Demonstration Course, TRI, presenter and moderator 2009 Advances in Cardiac Intervention-CTO, Gleneagles, Mt Elizabeth 2010 AsiaPCR, presenter and moderator 2010 AICT, Singapore, presenter and moderator 2010 ACC, Atlanta 2010 Mentis Course in Renal Stenting, KL 2010 Peripheral Intervention, Mentis Course, KL 2010 6th CT Coronary Angiography Workshop, Singapore 2010 18th Kamakura Live Demonstration Course 8 2011 ASMIHA, Jakarta, presenter and moderator 2011 Bifurcation Intervention, 20th ASM of the Indonesian Heart Association 2011 EuroPCR, Paris 2011 Singlive, Asia PCR presenter 2011 Singapore Cardiac Society ASM, presenter and moderator 2011 Singapore Hypertension Society, presenter 2011 OCC, Shanghai in conjunction with APSIC,Left Main symposium, presenter 2011 TCT, San Francisco 2011 Medtronic Ardian Renal Denervation Course, London Participant 2012 21th ASMIHA, Jakarta, Woman and Heart Disease presenter and moderator 2012 Brillinta, Speaker Summit, Bangkok 2012 Abbott BVS Summit, Bangkok 2012 EuroPCR, Paris 2012 8 th AICT, New Delhi, presenter and moderator 2012 19th Kamakura Live Demonstration Course, TRI, presenter and moderator 2012 AFCC, Singapore Woman and Heart Disease presenter 2012 AFCC, Singapore, Hybrid OR presenter 2015 ASMIHA, Jakarta, presenter and moderator 2015 Asia Primary Angioplasty Congress presenter and moderator 2016 Asia Primary Angioplasty Congress presenter and moderator 2016 26th Kamakura Live Demonstration Course, TRI, presenter and moderator 2017 Asia Pacific Society of Cardiology congress presenter and moderator 2017 4 th Myanmar Cardiology Conference of CSSMA presenter and moderator 2018 Asia Primary Angioplasty Congress presenter and moderator 2018 15th Malaysian Cardiovascular Symposium presenter 2019 Asia Physiology and Coronary Imaging, Singapore Course Director 2019 24th Cardiovascular Summit, TCTAP presenter and moderator 2019 28th Singlive presenter and Faculty 2020 Webinar, COVID 19 and the Heart Organising Committee/Course Director 2005 NUH AICT Live transmission 2007 NUH Simulator Course in coronary Intervention for Fellows 2008 NUH, CIT Live Transmission 2008 NUH, AICT Live transmission 2008 NUH Simulator Course in Coronary Intervention for Fellows 2016 SGCIC Singapore Cardiac Intervention Congress on Coronary Imaging 2019 Asia Physiology and Coronary Imaging, APACi Other Talks (GP and Public) 2007 IHD and Rheumatology 2007 Coronary Intervention, Pekanbaru 2007 Coronary Intervention, Semarang 2008 Cardiac risk and HDL, GFRW initiative by SHF 9 2008 Matters of the Heart, Suntec QOL Health Talk 2008 Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Singapore 2008 2009 SMSC series of talks-Non-invasive evaluation of chest pain 2009 Evaluation of Cardiac Chest Pain, Mt Elizabeth, Gleneagles 2009 Coronary intervention, Johor 2009 Sudden Cardiac Death, Ho Chi Min 2010 Coronary intervention, Kota Kinabaru, Labuan 2010 Dilemmas in Multivessel Revascularisation, Mt Elizabeth, Gleneagles 2010 Sudden Cardiac Death, GP talk 2010 Hypertension Update, GP talk 2010 CT Coronary Angiography, GP talk 2010 Cardiac Symposium, Myanmar 2011 Jakarta, Cardiac Symposium 2011 Ballikpappan, Cardiac Symposium 2011 Treatment of Renal Artery Stenosis, Singapore Hypertension Society 2012 AMI Intervention, Asian Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics, NewDelhi 2012 Brillinta and Antiplatelets Update, Singapore 2017 Cardiac Symposium, Cambodia 2018 Diet and the Heart, Channel News Asia 2018 Advances in Cardiac Intervention, Shanghai 9. RESEARCH Multicentre Collaboration (as Primary or Co-investigator) 1. OVERTURE Trial Omapatrilat Versus Enalapril , Randomised trial of Utility in Reducing Events Bristol-Myers Squibb 2. REACH Registry Reduction of Atherothrombosis for Continued Health Sanofi-Synthelabo 3. EXTRACT-TIMI 25 Enoxaparin versus unfractionated Heparin in patients with STEMI undergoing Fibrinolysis Aventis 4. PLATO A Randomised, Double-blind, Parallel Group, Phase 3, Efficacy and Safety Study of AZD6140 Compared with Clopidogrel for Prevention of Vascular Events in Patients with Non-ST or ST Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) 5. PROTECT Patient Related Outcomes with Endeavor versus Cypher Stenting Trial 6. SPIRIT V A Clinical Evaluation of the XIENCE™ V Everolimus Eluting Coronary Stent System in the Treatment of Patients with de novo Coronary Artery Stenosis 7. TAXUS PERSEUS A prospective evaluation in a randomised trial of the Safety and Efficacy of the Use of the TAXUS element TM Paclitaxel –Eluting coronary stent system for the treatment of de novo coronary artery lesions 8. BEACON II registry An evaluation of the use of Biomatrix Stent 9. SEQUENT PLEASE 10 International Registry in the use of the Paclitaxel coated Sequent Please balloon in patients with CAD. 10.D2B study Improving Door-To-Balloon and Door-To-Needle Times In Patients Presenting To The Department Of Emergency Medicine For Acute ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Requiring Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention/ Thrombolysis: A Phased, Prospective Observational Study 10. PUBLICATION OF PAPERS 1. James E. Tcheng, Ing Haan Lim, Shankar Srinivasan, Joseph Jozic, C. Michael Gibson, J. Conor O'Shea, Joseph A. Puma and Daniel I. Simon Stent Parameters Predict Adverse Clinical Outcomes and Response to Platelet Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Blockade: Findings of the ESPRIT Trial. Circulation, cardiovascular interventions, Published online , 3 Dec 2008 2. Lee Chi-Hang , Low Adrian F, Hong Eric C T, Tai Bee Choo, Lim Ing Haan, Teo Swee Guan, Lim Yean Teng, Tan Huay Cheem Long-term safety and efficacy are observed after implantation of ZotarolimusEluting Stent in real-world clinical practice Eurointervention 2008;4 (3) 338-344 3. Chi Hang Lee, Shirley B Ooi, Edgar L Tay, Adrian F Low, Swee-Guan Teo, Cindy Lau, Bee-Choo Tai, Irene Lim, Susan Lam, Ing-Haan Lim, Ping Chai, Huay-Cheem Tan Shortening of Median Door-to-Balloon Time in Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Singapore by Simple and Inexpensive Operational Measures: Clinical Practice Improvement Program Journal of Interventional Cardiology 2008; 21 (5), 414-423. 4. Chi-Hang Lee, Ing-Haan Lim, Huay-Cheem Tan Acute occlusion of the left anterior descending artery following intravascular ultrasound examination of left main coronary artery Journal of Interventional Cardiology 2007; 120 (3), 407-409. 5. Michael CL Lim, Catherine G de Larrazabal, Ing Haan Lim, TW Wong CT Angiogram as Replacement Diagnostic Investigation for Angioplasty of Coronary arteries Published online Heart Asia 2009 6. Pantelis Diamantouros, MD and Ing Haan Lim, MD. Facilitated Percutaneous Coronary Intervention In: Tcheng, James E. (Ed.) Primary Angioplasty in Acute Myocardial Infarction Series: Contemporary Cardiology, 2nd ed , Humana Press, 2009: 225 p 7. Tay Lik Wui Edgar, Chua Melissa Co, Lee Chi-Hang, Low Adrian, Lim Jimmy, Lim Ing Haan, Teo Swee Guan, Tan Huay Cheem Comparison of Endothelial Progenitor Cell Capture Stent with Bare Metal Stent In Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Myocardial Infarction Circulation. 2007;116:II_777 11 8. Yian-Peng Lee, Edgar Tay, Chi Hang Lee, Adrian Low, Swee Guan Teo, Kian Keong Poh, Wee Tiong Yeo, Jimmy Lim, Ing Haan Lim, Yean Teng Lim, Huay Cheem Tan Endothelial Progenitor Cell Capture Stent Implantation in Patients with STsegment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction: one year follow-up Eurointervention,2010;5:698-702 11. TRAINING AWARDS Course Duration University / Hospital (Country) HMDP Interventional Cardiology May 05- June06 DukeUniversity Medical Centre TTSH Scholarship Award Long service Award , TTSH, 2003 Courage Award, 2003 查看详情Lim Ing Haan
National Heart Center Singapore . National Heart Centre Singapore, Singapore 查看详情Wei Chieh Jack Tan(singapore)
哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院 心血管内科 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院副院长。心内科主任医师,教授,博士生导师。国自然优秀青年科学基金和“牛顿基金”获得者。主要从事冠心病介入诊疗及腔内影像学的临床和基础研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金5项。在JACC、Eur Heart J等杂志发表SCI文章73篇,担任多个国际国内会议主席团成员(TCT,ESC,ACC,CIT, C3等),任美国心脏病学会专家会员(FACC)、中华心血管病分会青年学组委员兼秘书,中国生物医学工程学会青委会副主任委员。 查看详情贾海波
主任医师哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院 心血管内科 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院,心内科副主任,二级教授,主任医师,博士生导师,心血管介入中心主任,教育部心肌缺血重点实验室副主任。 中国医师学会心血管分会常委, 中华医学会心血管病分会腔内影像及生理学组副组长, 中国医师学会心血管分会委员及血栓学组委员; 黑龙江省医学会心血管专业委员会副主任委员; 黑龙江省医师协会心血管内科专业委员会副主任委员; 黑龙江省心脏学会副会长;FACC,FSCAI等。 查看详情候静波
主任医师Interventional Cardiology Unit, Azienda Ospedalier . Interventional Cardiology Unit, Azienda Ospedaliera Papa Giovanni XXIII 查看详情Giulio Guagliumi(Italy)
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